Queer Environmentalists You Should Know

Pride month may be over, but that doesn't mean we should stop supporting queer environmentalists! This article highlights a few of the many queer environmentalists from our past and present. From famous biologists to lawyers to influencers, queer environmentalists are all around us!

Rachel Carson (1907-1964)

Rachel Carson was a biologist and wildly popular nature writer. You've probably heard of her most popular book, Silent Spring, which exposed the ecological dangers of DDT pesticides. Although she kept her sexuality private during her lifetime, many speculate she had a romantic relationship with her neighbor Dorothy Freeman. For more Rachel Carson, read Silent Spring and her other writings

Lindi von Mutius

Lindi von Mutius is the Sierra Club's Chief of Staff and identifies as a bisexual woman. She has previously worked at the Environmental Defense Fund and as an environmental litigation attorney. Currently, Lindi is also a board member of OUT for Sustainability, an organization dedicated to promoting climate resilience and bringing environmental justice to LGBTQ+ communities. For more of Lindi, follow OUT for Sustainability (@out4s) on Instagram and support her efforts with the Sierra Club!

Rikki Weber

Rikki Weber is a queer woman who works for Earthjustice, a super formidable nonprofit environmental law organization. She is a Legal Practice Manager and Litigation Assistant, which means she works v hard to make the world more just and sustainable! For more of Rikki, follow Earthjustice and support their litigation efforts!

Queer Brown Vegan


I've been following Isaias Hernandez (AKA Queer Brown Vegan) on Instagram for as long as I can remember. His posts are educational, nuanced and super intersectional. He identifies as queer and often discusses the connections between queerness and environmental justice. He was a major inspiration for my Queer Ecology and Intersectional Environmentalism article! For more Isaias, be sure to follow him on Instagram (@queerbrownvegan) and Twitter (@queerbrownvegan)!

Pattie Gonia


Another one of my favorite IG follows is Pattie Gonia! Pattie Gonia is a drag queen and environmental activist. She fills her Instagram with joyful and colorful photos and frequently works on and promotes meaningful side projects (like starting an environmental LGBTQ+ job board, hosting group hikes and making a film about ocean plastics !!). For more of Pattie Gonia, follow her on Instagram (@pattiegonia)!

Did I miss your favorite queer environmentalists? Tell me all about them in the comments!