PB & J Smoothie

PBJ Smoothie - Sustained Kitchen

When I overbuy on fresh fruit, I just pop it in the freezer for future smoothies. Normally I keep my smoothies simple with a few handfuls of fruit and a splash of fruit juice and milk. But a few weeks ago, I asked my partner to make my smoothie for me. He blended the usual suspects along with a game-changer: peanut butter. 

I know that peanut butter in a smoothie is not revolutionary, but the smoothie he made was magical. It tasted EXACTLY like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I practically screamed when I tasted it. I asked him how he got it to taste so much like PBJ, but he couldn't remember the ratios he used. So, I spent the past few weeks tinkering with PB to fruit to OJ to milk ratios until I finally found a winning combination. 

The jam component of this smoothie relies primarily on strawberries, but I also added blueberries and blackberries to give it wildberry jam vibes. For the peanut butter, I used a peanuts-and-salt-only jar, but feel free to use whatever peanut butter invokes nostalgia. 

PBJ Smoothie - Sustained Kitchen

Time: 5 minutes

Makes: 1 large or 3 small smoothies


  • 1 cup frozen strawberries

  • 1/2 cup frozen blueberries

  • 1/3 cup frozen blackberries

  • 1/2 cup orange juice

  • 6 tablespoons milk of choice

  • 2 tablespoons peanut butter

  • 1 tablespoon ground flax seeds (optional)


Add all ingredients to a blender and blend until very smooth. This is a thick smoothie, so you may have to pause your blender to stir manually a few times before it is completely blended. Eat with a spoon or drink through a thick straw!

Sustainability Tips

  • Berries: Your best option is to grow the berries yourself, but local or organic fruits are another great option. Be sure to make this recipe during the summer, when berries are in season. This way, your produce won't have to travel very far to get to you.