Caramelized Onion and Parsnip Frittata

Caramelized Onion and Parsnip Frittata - sustained kitchen

My frittata game started several years ago with Cookie and Kate's first guide to making frittatas (she's since created an updated version). The first few times I made frittatas, I just threw together some veggies, milk, cheese and eggs. I really dug the easiness and healthiness of this "chuck it together and wack it the oven" approach, but I knew frittatas could be better.

Since then I've upped my cooking skillz a ton, so the traditional frittata method (starting on the stove and finishing in the oven) has become much less intimidating. I've found that this frittata method yields a more custardy, less spongey frittata.

My upgrade from spongey frittata could also be due to some other factors, like avoiding watery raw veggies, using whole milk and not overbaking. Take my mistakes and learn from them, friends: the best frittatas use cooked veggies and fatty milk, and are just barely set in the middle.

The flavor mélange in this frittata recipe is a real banger. Sweet caramelized onions, slightly spicy parsnips, salty parm and fresh thyme...the combo is really one for the record books.

Caramelized Onion and Parsnip Frittata - sustained kitchen

Let me know how you like your frittatas and don't forget to follow the sustainability tips below!


  • olive oil

  • about 2 medium onions (2 cups thinly sliced)

  • about 4 medium parsnips (2 cups thinly sliced)

  • 10 large eggs

  • 1/3 cup whole milk or milk of choice

  • 1/2 cup fresh grated parmesan cheese

  • 2 tablespoons fresh chopped thyme

  • salt and pepper


  1. Preheat your oven to 350 F. Heat about a tablespoon of olive oil in a 12-inch cast-iron skillet or oven-safe non-stick skillet over medium-high. Slice onions into strips and place them into the skillet a little at a time, along with a sprinkle of salt. If your pan gets too crowded, let the onions cook down a bit before adding more. Once all your onions are in the pan, turn the heat down to medium-low and let your onions cook, stirring occasionally until caramelized, about 15-20 minutes.

  2. Meanwhile, slice your parsnips into thin circle or semi-circles. Set these aside until your onions are caramelized. Then, add your parsnips and bit more salt to the pan. Let the parsnips cook with the onions until tender, about 10 minutes. If your skillet gets a little too dry, add a little broth, water or white wine to deglaze. Once your parsnips are cooked through, turn off the heat, remove the vegetables from the pan and set aside.

  3. Whisk together your eggs, milk, cheese, thyme, about 1/2 teaspoon salt, and pepper to taste. Add your vegetables to the egg mixture and stir.

  4. Place your skillet back over medium heat with about a tablespoon of olive oil. Once the pan is hot, pour your egg mixture into the skillet, using a spatula to gently scrape the cooked egg off the bottom of the pan. Do this for about 2 minutes and then transfer your skillet to the oven. Bake for about 12-18 minutes, or until it jiggles just slightly in the middle when shaken. Dig in!

Sustainability Tips

  • Olive oil: For the olive oil in this recipe, go organic! Read more in my sustainable oils post.

  • Onions and parsnips: Make sure these pups are in season (winter is perfect in most places) and try to get them locally! This will cut down on GHGs from travel and energy from storage coolers.

  • Eggs: Local eggs are the way to go. This way, you can ask the farmer how they treat their chicken AND your eggs won't release too many GHGs during travel.

  • Milk and cheese: Buying dairy from B Corps is great because if you do, you don't have to feel too guilty about eating cow products. Cows are super bad for the environment, so anything you can do to make your dairy choices more sustainable is a win. Read all about B Corps in my B Corp post!