Posts tagged less than 5 ingredients
Ginger Tea Three Ways

I prefer ginger tea made with just water and ginger, but I know many people prefer sweeter, more flavorful or creamier teas. So in this recipe, I'm giving you three delicious ways to take your ginger root tea.

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Squash, Apple and Cheddar Melts

A lot of people swear by adding cheddar cheese to apple pie, apple crisp and other apple desserts. To this day, I've never added cheese to my apple desserts. But with this sandwich, I'm inching closer to that *interesting* combo.

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Loose Leaf Peppermint Tea

Mint plants are known for being super prolific and spreading like crazy, so your mint plant probably won’t mind a haircut. This recipe requires four cups of mint leaves, but it dehydrates down to 8 cups of tea. Feel free to cut or multiply this recipe to best suit your mint collection.

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Cheesy Kimchi Toast

This recipe came to me when I was trying to spice up a traditional grilled cheese. Tomatoes are normally my go-to, but when they're not in season I'm left with nothing. So, I turned to an unsuspecting jar of kimchi in my fridge.

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My Favorite Smoothie (PB Banana)

Scoping out easy recipes for an empty fridge? Look no further. Not only is this smoothie delicious but also it is supremely easy, requiring just three ingredients and about two minutes.

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Maple Broiled Grapefruit

I’m normally a grapefruit hater, but this recipe is powerful. Sugar and maple syrup are enough to cover a world of hurt, and the flaky salt just kicks the whole dish up to the next level.

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Fresh-Squeezed Blood Orange and Ginger Juice

When I was in high school, one of my friends did a science fair experiment comparing the nutrients in store-bought vs fresh-squeezed orange juice. She took that puppy all the way to the state science fair. Science was never my favorite subject so I don't remember what exactly she measured or what the results were, but I do remember her raving about how tasty her homemade OJ was

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Watermelon, Raspberry and Mint Smoothies

Smoothies were one of the first foods I learned to prepare on my own as a kid since making them is as simple as chucking a bunch of produce into a blender and zhuzhing it up. The smoothies of my youth often featured slightly freezer-burned strawberries and peaches, along with some orange juice.

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Vegan Strawberry Rhubarb Cashew Cream

Last summer, toasted sourdough topped with cashew cream and thinly sliced nectarines was on my heavy rotation. The crunch and tang of the sourdough paired with the creaminess (duh) of the cashew cream and the freshness of the nectarine was just perfection.

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Dark Chocolate and Maple Candied Blood Oranges

With this recipe, I wanted to put a spin on Taste of Home’s classic candied orange recipe by removing all refined sugar from the equation. Maple syrup is the perfect sub for cane sugar and it adds an amazing depth of flavor. The dark chocolate dip and flaky sea salt add the perfect finishing touch to these beauts.

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Maple and Rosemary Kettle Corn

Popcorn is my weakness, you guys. When I was younger, I ate popcorn almost every day. I liked it buttery, caramel-y, salty, kettled…anything. Today I still love me some popcorn (especially the half-popped bits…literally salivating as I type) with a dash of oil and salt. In this version, I'm taking it up a notch by adding some fall flavors.

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